Prevention Services

Education is a vital step in substance abuse prevention. Central Alabama Wellness’s Prevention Program offers information about tobacco, alcohol, and drug abuse to the community through educational programs and events at schools, parents, agencies, and other groups in the community.

We use evidence-based curriculum to implement the SAMSHA Strategic Prevention Framework through information dissemination, prevention education, alternative activities, problem identification and referral, and community-based and environmental processes. Our goal in providing these services is to influence and impact our community partners’ policies and practices and increase knowledge about substance abuse risk factors and how to enhance protective factors among the individuals and families in our community.


Be In the Know!

Fast facts of underage drinking “Underage drinking and binge drinking remain big problems in Alabama and the nation, taking or ruining many lives every year.” Mac Gipson administrator, Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board

Underage drinking costs the citizens of Alabama $1 billion a year. The costs come from medical care, loss of work, and pain and suffering associated with the multiple problems resulting from the use of alcohol by youth.

Each year, about 5,000 people under the age of 21 die because of underage drinking. These include deaths from drunk driving, other accidents, homicides, suicides, and alcohol poisoning. More than 190,000 people under age 21 are sent to emergency rooms for alcohol-related injuries each year.

Young bodies and developing brains are especially ill-suited for the effects of alcohol. In Alabama, it is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to consume or possess any alcoholic beverage. Underage drinkers and the adults who provide them alcoholic beverages are subject to arrest and possibly jail. And underage drinkers will have their driver’s licenses suspended.

Alabama Social Hosting Laws

Ala. Code §6-5-72(a) A person who unlawfully sells, furnishes, or gives a controlled substance as defined in §20-2-2 to a minor may be liable for injury or damage or both suffered by a third person caused by or resulting from the use of the controlled substance by the minor, if the sale, furnishing, or giving of the controlled substance is the proximate cause of the injury or damage.

(b) A third person who is injured or damaged or both, under subsection (a) shall have a cause of action against the person selling, furnishing, or giving the controlled substance to the minor.

(c) Conviction under any criminal law relating to the unlawful sale, furnishing, or giving of a controlled substance shall conclusively establish an unlawful sale, furnishing, or giving of a controlled substance under this section.

(d) Upon the death of a party, the cause of action or right to the cause of action shall survive to the estate of the party.

Ala. Code §13A-11-10.1
(b) No adult having control of any residence, who has authorized an open house party at the residence and is in attendance at the party, shall allow the open house party to continue if all of the following occur:
(1) Alcoholic beverages or controlled substances are illegally possessed or illegally consumed at the residence by a person under the age of 21.
(2) The adult knows that an alcoholic beverage or controlled substance is in the illegal possession of or is being illegally consumed by a person under the age of 21 at the residence.
(3) The adult fails to take reasonable action to prevent illegal possession or illegal consumption of the alcoholic beverage or controlled substance.

(c) Any adult who violates this section shall be guilty of a Class B


Parents Who Host, Lose the Most
Preventing Underage Drinking
State Laws for Social Hosting
CDC Underage Drinking Facts

For more information, follow our daily posts and videos on Prevention, please visit our Facebook Page or Contact:   Zina Cartwell / Prevention Director

Services Provided by
Central Alabama Wellness

Children & Adolescents
Substance Use
Community Services