Community Service
Residential Program
The Residential Program at Central Alabama Wellness works closely with the Alabama Department of Mental Health to provide opportunities for individuals with a serious mental illness (SMI) to obtain and maintain stability in the community. With the primary referral source for placement coming directly from the state hospital system, the Residential Program focuses on working with consumers that may not otherwise have the opportunity to reside safely in the community without a more intensive level of services and supports. Central Alabama Wellness facilitates residential placement for individuals that meet specific criteria in both Shelby and Chilton Counties, including residential group homes and scattered site individual placements throughout both counties. The goal of the Residential Program is to provide treatment, training, and education to consumers and their families/natural supports in order to develop skills and knowledge to facilitate transition to the most independent level of care possible. Specific services include a structured milieu, basic living skills training, case management, therapy, psychiatric services, and various forms of subsidy for individuals that meet specific criteria.
ID Case Management:
ID Case Management services are funded through Alabama Medicaid for individuals with an intellectual disability. A case manager is responsible for outreach, intake, needs assessments, care plan development, service arrangement, and monitoring of the services received by an individual. They serve as an advocate for the individual.
The Milestones program works with individuals with special needs to obtain and maintain competitive employment. Individuals are referred to the program after being found appropriate by a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor. The 4 Milestones help to build a strong foundational core to support successful long-term employment. The Milestones include initial assessments, job development, job retention, and long-term employment.
The Individual Placement and Support (IPS) program is an effective approach to help people with mental illness to find and keep competitive employment. The IPS support team consists of a Benefits Specialist, Employment Specialist, and Peer Support. The team assists the individual through all stages of employment.
Services Provided by
Central Alabama Wellness
Central Alabama Wellness provides an array of services for individuals dealing with mental illness and/or substance use disorders. In our substance abuse programs, priority admission is given to pregnant women, women with dependent children and individuals with IV substance use disorders. Services to individuals with intellectual disabilities, other than case management, are based upon available waiver services as approved by the State of Alabama Department of Mental Health.