Children and teens with emotional and behavioral issues need special attention and specialized care in an environment especially designed for them. Central Alabama Wellness Children’s Outpatient Services include a wide variety of programs designed to treat children and teens ages 5-18, and their families, with the ultimate goal of helping children achieve success in all areas of their lives.
Central Alabama Wellness’ healthcare professionals use evidence-based practices in treating trauma, bereavement, behavioral problems and other issues. Treatment is highly individualized and depends on the child’s symptoms and individual needs.
Services Provided by
Central Alabama Wellness
Central Alabama Wellness provides an array of services for individuals dealing with mental illness and/or substance use disorders. In our substance abuse programs, priority admission is given to pregnant women, women with dependent children and individuals with IV substance use disorders. Services to individuals with intellectual disabilities, other than case management, are based upon available waiver services as approved by the State of Alabama Department of Mental Health.