Central Alabama Wellness provides access to a number of health and wellness related resources throughout Chilton and Shelby Counties. These resources include residential placement for qualifying patients, school based services for children, multiple location for convenience in Shelby and Chilton Counties, employment assistance for qualifying patients, prevention activities, educational classes on a variety of subjects and referrals.
The Alabama Department of Mental Health is excited to introduce the “No Shame” Suicide
Prevention campaign, addressing the stigma surrounding suicide and mental illness. The
campaign speaks not about judgment but rather of the need for communication and
connection. The campaign also features the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline number,
988, and how individuals can access the Lifeline and local crisis resources.
If you are in crisis, call 988.
For crisis care information in Alabama, visit For mental health providers in your area, visit
Learn more about Suicide Prevention partners in Alabama at and
Services Provided by
Central Alabama Wellness
Central Alabama Wellness provides an array of services for individuals dealing with mental illness and/or substance use disorders. In our substance abuse programs, priority admission is given to pregnant women, women with dependent children and individuals with IV substance use disorders. Services to individuals with intellectual disabilities, other than case management, are based upon available waiver services as approved by the State of Alabama Department of Mental Health.